About us
Please, welcome Mirosh, a dream interpreter, and her small team of students, her followers. Directed by the teacher, this team is ready to assist you in dream interpretation. This allows working on a deeper level of problems or certain issues that the dreamer is concerned about. Many who used Mirosh’s services changed their lives for the better. A special category of those who come to Mirosh are girls and women who cannot get pregnant. Working on it through dreams gives a positive result in 99.9 percent of cases.
About Mirosh
What does Mirosh say about herself: “... Many people ask me where I learned to interpret dreams, and are disappointed when I answer - nowhere. I knew how to interpret dreams since I was a small child. When I was about two years old I understood my dreams. … I was shy and hid this gift from prying eyes, although my grandmother was a fortune teller, she used ordinary beans for it, she also had this gift of dream interpretation. Since my birth we had a special invisible connection, - dreams were a part of our life, mine and grandmother’s.
I have a technical education, I was a professor at the university and could explain the “miracle” in the language of physics, but dreams, oh these dreams, have always haunted me. What are they – conscious dreams or a figment of our imagination?
In my understanding, it is a conversation with ancestors. I always talked to them, asked questions and they answered in the language of dreams. Dreams are news from our ancestors, who lived their lives making mistakes, and are now trying to do everything so that we do not repeat them. Each time they either praise us or scold us, but more often they protect and warn us against trouble.
Before I moved to Almaty, I interpreted dreams and believed that it was impossible to teach this knowledge, but one of my students, Veronica, proved the opposite. She turned out to be a good student, standing on a par with her teacher.
I have a feeling that I need to open this knowledge to the world since it is a message from ancestors to their descendants ... ”
Our services

1. Dream interpretation
A dream, according to Mirosh, is a product of a person’s security system: we are a chain-link element (or a branch) in one tree, which we call a family tree. There is a safety program in our life that has a huge genetic memory, where experience and knowledge of all generations is embedded. Hence the dream is a warning, an advice, a letter sent to us by our ancestors... .
Do you need to interpret dreams? The answer is yes. First, it allows you to control the situation in real life. Secondly, you soberly assess the situation and see a way out of it. Thirdly, the dream shows the fatality of some situations, and you can accept it without engaging in self-destruction for what has happened.
Below on this site you can order the interpretation of your dreams. It is advisable to send a series of dreams (5-7 dreams in a row). This often allows us to see a more holistic picture of a dreamer's hidden problem.
Стоимость толкования:
1-2 снов — $20; 2-5 снов — $40.

2. Working through a person’s psychosomatics using images (pictures/photos)
Just like with dreams, it is possible to work through a certain issue or a problematic aspect of a person through the analysis of images (pictures/photos). A human being subconsciously chooses certain things which accurately reflect the thoughts and/or events happening in his/her life. So, by analyzing the selected pictures or photos it is possible to “read” what’s going on in a person’s life.
This type of service is especially suitable for those who do not see dreams or do not remember them.
Here we can also include the analysis of the birth date based on a special unique system of numerology developed by Mirosh.
Стоимость разбора 3 картинок/фото: $30; 3 картинок/фото + разбор даты рожд-я: $40.

3. Teaching dream interpretation
Based on more than 30 years of experience in dream interpretation, Mirosh has developed a system of dream interpretation. This system includes symbols by which it is possible to read and interpret dreams. This seems as the most difficult part that the Teacher and her team can offer, but, as they say, nothing is impossible. However, only few will be selected for studying dream interpretation since this is not given to everyone.
If you are interested in this service, contact us and we will figure out if it is possible for you.
Стоимость 1 (одного) месяца обучения (четыре занятия) — $75.
What clients say about dream interpretation

still in doubt?
achievements of Mirosh
Mirosh and
the Team



to inspire you
Mirosh about dreams. Introductory video to dream symbolism
Меня зовут Мирош. Я толкователь снов. Меня очень часто спрашивают откуда появились сны. Что такое сны. Сны – это послание предков. Если посмотреть на символ «ловец снов», мы видим, что …
Толкование снов. Примеры.
Ни в одной, ни в двух и ни в десяти статьях не расскажешь все о снах. Мои ученики изучают искусство толкования снов годами. Здесь же, хотелось бы наглядно привести примеры …